How Do I Change My Name On My Facebook Page

How Do I Change My Name On My Facebook Page - Thankfully, yes! Facebook does permit you to change your page name-- however, under two conditions. Your page needs to have fewer compared to 200 sort, or you have to send a "single just" demand to Facebook to approve and refine the name change. Below's just how.

How Do I Change My Name On My Facebook Page

Pages with fewer compared to 200 likes
If your web page has less than 200 likes, changing the name of your web page is very easy. Follow these steps:

1. From your admin panel, choose "Edit Page" and after that "Update Details"


2. Adjustment the message in the "Name" field


3. Save your modifications


Extremely simple!
bear in mind that transforming your web page name does not change your username or page address.

Pages with more than 200 likes
If your page has greater than 200 sort, Facebook gives you once chance to change the name. So, make sure you believe it with!
To alter your web page name, you have to send a demand to Facebook to authorize and process the name change. This process takes a bit longer compared to altering the name by yourself, yet it's still basic to do:.

1. From your admin panel, pick "Edit Web page" and after that "Update Info".


2. Click "Demand Change" in the name area, next to your name.


3. Complete the name change kind and also click on "Send".


You need to obtain an e-mail verification from Facebook validating your adjustment demand.

Although Facebook does not reveal how long it will certainly take them to refine your request, it took them only a few days to approve our name change (we went from Forge3, Ltd. to Forge3).

As soon as Facebook processes your request, they'll notify you by e-mail if your name adjustment demand has been approved or denied.

Remember, you can just alter your name when!
How Do I Change My Name On My Facebook Page How Do I Change My Name On My Facebook Page Reviewed by Ed F8 on 00:50 Rating: 5

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