How To Change Name On Facebook Page

How To Change Name On Facebook Page
 - I recently changed the name of my Facebook page from Diana Stone-- Hormone Imbalances Blog to Diana Composed. It was an easy process, but there were a few things along the way that Facebook decided to make a bit-- confusing.

So after numerous of you asked ways to do this, I chose that it was much easier to explain with screenshots and a step by action. You can click to expand any of these screenshots.

How To Change Name On Facebook Page

First, click over to your FB page. Not your individual-- the one for your blog/business/site. Click Edit Page, then Update Page Info.

You'll be required to a screen that looks like this below. Click Edit to the right of your present page name.

Click Request Modification.

You'll see a type where you can request a name modification. This is where it gets a little complex. However hang in there. Start to check out and accept each of the terms Facebook has for name modifications.

Leave present name alone, fill in your brand-new page name in the "Preferred" spot. Ensure it follows the guidelines that you read. If you do not see the reason for your change in the fall, click other.

Below is where I practically gave up. As a blog writer, I have nothing showing the address of my business-- and I wasn't going to send them an individual expense or something like that. So? I just skipped it. I figured if they required it, they 'd let me know. It does say "to expedite" and I didn't need it changed in a rush.

That's it! Click to send out. I received a response a couple of days later on letting me understand that it would require a 2 Week waiting period.

Like a divorce.

And sure enough, today I visited to discover my FB page name altered! Note: this does not alter the url, which was fine with me since that would be a mess if it didn't redirect to the brand-new one.

If that's all we can tell about How To Change Name On Facebook Page I hope this article was helpful thank you.
How To Change Name On Facebook Page How To Change Name On Facebook Page Reviewed by Ed F8 on 23:02 Rating: 5

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