Block Facebook Friend | How to Block a Friend On Facebook

Block Facebook Friend | How to Block a Friend On Facebook: So a friend is getting on your nerves on Facebook right? See how to block them from bothering you in this article. See: How to Block friends Apps on Facebook.

In this latest Facebook Basics post, we shall see how to stop stalkers from bothering Facebook users. You can block someone for so many reasons so I leave that for you to decide but below are the major reasons some of us block Facebook friends.

Block Facebook Friend | How to Block a Friend On Facebook

  • Friends with frequent annoying status updates.
  • Ex that bothers
  • Friends that spams your inbox
  • Account suspected to be a fraudster 
  • etc.
What ever is the reason, Facebook has an option for you to block them.

  • Note that you can always unblock people on your blocked list any time you want.
  • Keep in mind that whenever you block a Facebook friend and you want to later unblock them, you will have to resend them a new friend request.
  • Don't bother, people you block won't be notified

How can I quickly block people bothering me?

To block them, follow these steps below:

  1. Click at the top right of any Facebook page.
  2. Click Privacy Shortcuts
  3. Click How do I stop someone from bothering me?
  4. Enter the name of the person you want to block and click Block
  5. Select the specific person you want to block from the list that appears and click Block again

Smart recommendation:

What Happens When I Block Someone?

People you block on Facebook won't be able to do any of the following:
  • See things you post on your profile
  • Invite you to events or groups
  • Add you as a friend
  • Tag you in posts, comments or photos
  • Start a conversation with you

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Block Facebook Friend | How to Block a Friend On Facebook Block Facebook Friend | How to Block a Friend On Facebook Reviewed by Ed F8 on 19:45 Rating: 5

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