How to delete a list on Facebook

How to delete a list on Facebook: This is how to delete a list on Facebook...

How to delete a list on Facebook

How to delete a friend list you created on Facebook

In order to delete a friend list you created, do this:
  • Click Friend Lists under Explore on the left side of your News Feed
  • Click on the list you want to delete
  • Click Manage List and select Delete List

How to archive a smart list on Facebook

In order to archive a smart list do this:

  • Click on name of the list you want to archive
  • Click Manage List and select Archive List

How to delete a list on Facebook Search terms: 

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Note: You can’t delete smart lists (ex: Close Friends, Acquaintances, Restricted), but these lists will stop appearing on your homepage if you don't use them.

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How to delete a list on Facebook How to delete a list on Facebook Reviewed by Ed F8 on 08:15 Rating: 5

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