How to change background pictures on Facebook

 How to change background pictures on Facebook: Changing your Facebook timeline picture is sometimes fun and interesting. Just like changing profile pictures for your friends to view, changing timeline picture will make your Facebook page cool. Many Facebook users find the default white background boring and wishes to change it to a livelier picture but doesn’t know how to go about it, now you have come to the right place that will teach you the necessary steps to take in order to change the background pictures on Facebook.

This article treat how you can change your Facebook background picture using two different browsers, Google chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

On Mozilla Firefox

  • · Go to menu of your Mozilla Firefox browser at the top right corner
  • · Select “add-on” from the menu list
  • · Search for an add-on known as “stylish” then install it into your browser
  • · Restart the browser to complete the installation
  • · Visit with the browser and enter “Facebook” in the search dialogue box
  • · The page will display some pictures that are compatible with Facebook from which you will select from and install with stylish
  • · Then click “okay” to confirm and proceed
You can now login to your Facebook to meet a new and cool background on your timeline.
Read Also: Facebook Lite Login Page

On Google Chrome
  • · First is to login to your Facebook account via the Google Chrome browser
  • · Open another tap on the browser and to go Google web store
  • · Search the stylish app or stylish Facebook theme
  • · Click on “install” to download and install it
  • · After installing, visit then search Facebook to usher out the pictures that are compatible with Facebook
  • · Click on the any picture to see its details, then click “install with stylish” to download your favourite
  • · Then click “okay” to proceed
  • · Then open your Facebook to see the beautiful timeline background.

You can as well change the background using this same methods above which can be done as many times as possible without restrictions.

If you find this article useful, kindly share with your pals so they could also use cool styles on their Facebook timeline.
How to change background pictures on Facebook  How to change background pictures on Facebook Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 00:59 Rating: 5

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