How to Change your Facebook Page Name

How to Change your Facebook Page Name: Facebook page is a means of communicating information about a business, brand or organization to millions of other Facebook users. With this objective, it is very important to attract more people with the name your page bears which must be in line with the information it intend to pass. 
If for instance, your Facebook page name sounds boring and unattractive, you can as well change it to something attractive. There are a simple way to change your page name on Facebook which is explained below;

  • Go to your Facebook page and click “more” just beside the message tab
  • From the drop-down menu, select “edit page info” 

  • Then a pop-up box appears in which you will find the option to change your page name
  • Enter your new name in the space provided and click “save changes” 
Read: How to easily Go Live on Facebook
Note: make sure the new name reflects what the page is about because Facebook will review the name change and if it doesn’t go in accordance to its policies, the name would be rejected. 

I hope this article was helpful in changing your Facebook page name? you can as well share with your friends so they can make the change to their Facebook page.
How to Change your Facebook Page Name How to Change your Facebook Page Name Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 01:17 Rating: 5

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