How to Update Instagram On Android

How to Update Instagram On Android: One may wonder why most applications releases updates to their apps frequently, well in this era of evolving technology who will want to be left out and lose his users simply because other applications are more user friendly or has certain features that outshines them. The importance of updates on applications is not limited to features though, because updates helps to fix bugs and create patches. So in today’s article we are concerned about how to easily update Instagram application on mobile devices.

You can choose between several alternatives when you decide to update your Instagram app, you can choose to update by going to the application store on your device, you can as well update by accessing your apps’ checklist from the menu (for Android users) or navigating to the update web page ( on iOS) and hitting the "Update" button for the Instagram application. You could also upgrade directly from update notifications on your device which will automatically redirect you to your application store.

How to Update Instagram On Android

Note: You must be signed into a Google account to perform this task

1. Launch the Google Play Store app.

2. Press the "≡" button located in the top right edge, which will open an options menu.

3. Select "My apps & video games" from these options. This will list out all installed applications on your device

4. You can search for or scroll down to Instagram, these applications are listed alphabetically.

5. Locate the "Update" button which will show up near the top of the page

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Ways to disable auto upgrade Instagram application: Android phone

Updates are generally presented to device users at intervals and the user can choose to download these updates automatically or perform some other settings (Most people enables auto update only on WI-Fi) So listed below is the best way to disable automatic Instagram application update on lollipop, marshmallow versions of Android.

Step 1: Launch the Instagram app on your android phone

Step 2: Click on "Profile" icon located to the bottom right side corner

Step 3: Tap on the "Three vertical dots" at the side corner

Step 4: Scroll until you locate "App updates" Once this is located, you will realize that it is set to auto update by default.

Step 5: Toggle the button to turn off "auto-update on Instagram" then you will see a pop-up message “These give you brand-new feature as soon as possible. Do you still want to transform them off?”

Step 6: Click on "Turn off" if you wish to disable Instagram auto-update apps

I hope you found these steps to disable automatic update on Instagram application helpful? If you encounter any challenge, kindly notify us by using the comment section below, Thank you.
How to Update Instagram On Android How to Update Instagram On Android Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 02:37 Rating: 5

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