Clear Facebook Search History

Clear Facebook Search History: Clearing or deleting your Facebook search history is an action you should take without thinking twice on it, keeping your Facebook search history will definitely increase the load of data on Facebook as well as there may be some search you made which you want to keep secret from anyone that might want to check your Facebook account.
So if you intend to clear your Facebook search History here’s how to clear Facebook Search History on different devices.

Deleting Facebook Search History on Desktop
1. Click on the Facebook Search bar.
2. Click on the Edit option in the top-right corner of the Facebook Search bar just like the picture below
3. When you are on the search history page, you will see the list of all the things you’ve searched for, you can delete individual search
4. To delete a search, just simply click the edit button next to each history. Click Delete.
5. A delete confirmation dialog box will appear. Click Remove Search, see picture below
6. To delete all the searches at once, look for Clear Searches option on the top of the page.
Clearing your searches from the activity log will also remove it from everywhere else they give the impression. For example, this will also remove the Facebook search bar’s recent searches drop-down list after you delete the names from here.

Delete Facebook Search history from your mobile device:
1. Open the Facebook app on your mobile device.
2. Now tap the section with three horizontal lines.
3. Go down till you see the Activity Log on the list. Tap it.
4. Tap Filter on the Activity Log display.
5. Scroll down the list and look for Search then Tap Search.
6. Now, your Facebook Search history will be shown before you
7. To remove a search, tap the cross icon for the search. Then, tap Remove.
8. To delete your Facebook Search history in a single go, tap Clear Searches on the top. Tap confirm on the next display.

I hope this has helped you clear your Facebook search history, please share this with your contacts.
Clear Facebook Search History Clear Facebook Search History Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 08:51 Rating: 5

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