How To Block Unwanted Friends On Facebook

How To Block Unwanted Friends On Facebook: Blocking a pal on Facebook might be the only remedy to unwanted posts and comments or it might be as a result of continuous disagreement between you and the individual which is becoming tense gradually.

It can also be as a result of you avoiding to become friend with someone or friends becoming foes. Whatever reason it might be, this article teaches you how to block a close or unwanted friends on Facebook. Follow the procedures below to block a friend
  • Login to your account
  • Select your friends list
  • Select from the list the individual you wish to block, then the person's profile will be displayed
  • From his/her profile select the option button beside the message tab
  • Then from the drop down selection, select block and confirm that you really want to block such individual
  • And that's all, the individual will be added to your blocked friends list. To unblock, you just have to click the unblock button on your account, then send another friends request to such person because blocking also unfriend the individual. 
Read Also: How to Add a Facebook User to Blocked List
I hope this article has helped you block your unwanted friends on Facebook, why not share to pals, so to spread the good news.

How To Block Unwanted Friends On Facebook How To Block Unwanted Friends On Facebook Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 19:21 Rating: 5

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