How can I change my FB password | Change Password

Sometimes, users need to change their Facebook password; whether it be for security reasons, or to make their password easier to remember. To proceed, follow the steps in the next section. Here is How can I change my Facebook password.

Changing your Facebook password

1. Log into Facebook.

Facebook login menu
2. On the homepage menu bar, click on the arrow icon on the far right-hand side.

Facebook Top Menu
3. Select Settings from the drop-down menu that appears.

Facebook settings menu
4. On the General Account Settings page, select the Edit on the Password line.

Facebook General Account Settings
5. Enter your current password in the Current: box, and then enter a new one in the New: and Re-type new: boxes. Click the Save Changes button
How can I change my FB password | Change Password How can I change my FB password | Change Password Reviewed by Ed F8 on 04:01 Rating: 5

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