How to edit your facebook birthday date

How to change your Facebook birthday date. Perhaps you made mistake during your Facebook registration.  This is how to change it. Or you you just want to stop people from viewing your actual year of birth. If any of the two is your issue right now, Here is my fast guide.
facebook birthday date

Graphical Guide to Changing Your Birthday Date On Facebook

step 1:

sign into your facebook profile. Then click on the About tab.
click facebook about
step 2:
On the new page, click on Contact and Basic info
facebook contact and basic info
step 3:
Scroll down to the Basic Information section.

step 4:
Click on the edit button beside the birth year or date.
Enter new birthday from the selection.
edit facebook birthday
Click on the Save Changes button

How to Change Your Birthday Date On Facebook

Step 1: Visit your Facebook profile and click on the About on your cover photo or you click here
Step 2: Click Contact and Basic Info.
Step 3: Scroll down and click Edit next to Birth Date or Birth Year (you’ll need to hover over the info you want to edit for the Edit option to appear).
Step 4: Use the drop-down menus to change your birthday.
Step 5: Click Save Changes.

 You can change who can see your birthday by adjusting the audience. There are 2 audience selectors next to your birthday: one for the day and month and one for the year. Friends won’t get a notification about your upcoming birthday if you don’t share the day and month with them.
Problem changing your birthday? Facebook wants everyone using their service to provide their authentic name, information as well as birthday, so users of the network will always know who there’re connecting with. Because of this, you can only change your birthday a limited number of times.
If you just recently changed your birthday on Facebook, you may have to wait a few days or months before you can change it again. Good luck… Please kindly help us by sharing this guide. Gracias!!!
How to edit your facebook birthday date How to edit your facebook birthday date Reviewed by Ed F8 on 14:35 Rating: 5

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