How Do I Make My Facebook Completely Private | make Facebook Completely Private

When you publish on Facebook, you can pick who will see that post, along with all future posts. However, exactly what if you desire to limit who can see all the posts you've made in the past? Facebook has a setting to do just that How Do I Make My Facebook Completely Private.

You can restrict the audience for any of the posts on your timeline by clicking the down arrow in the upper-right corner of a post, choosing "Edit Post" from the dropdown menu, and choosing your audience from the popup menu beside the Save button. However that just alters one post, and if you wish to alter every Facebook post you have actually ever made, that would be very tiresome.

How Do I Make My Facebook Completely Private

Nevertheless, there's a setting that changes all your past posts-- or at least your past "Public" or "Friends of Buddies" posts-- to "Buddies" in one click. To change this setting, access your Facebook account in a web browser and click the down arrow beside the Personal privacy Shortcuts button on the toolbar in the upper-right corner of the internet browser window. Click "Settings" on the drop-down menu.

On the Settings page, click "Personal privacy" in the list of options on the left.

See Also:

The "Privacy Settings and Tools" screen display screens. In the "Who can see my things?" section, click in the "Limit the audience for posts you have actually shown friends of friends or Public" area.

The area expands and displays a description of exactly what this setting does. To restrict all your past posts to Friends, click "Limit Old Posts".

KEEP IN MIND: The Limit Old Posts setting automatically restricts the audience for all your old posts to Friends. If you wish to limit posts to a customized person or group of individuals, such as Close Friends, you must alter the audience for each post separately, one at a time, as we pointed out earlier in this short article.

Once you have actually clicked "Limitation Old Posts", a verification dialog box displays to make sure you really desire to alter the audience for all your old posts without examining them.

Make certain you wish to do this, as you can not reverse this action! You would have to change the audience for each post one at a time if you change your mind later on.

Click "Verify" if you decide to go on and restrict all your old posts to Buddies.

Another dialog box shows when the modification is total. Click "Close".

There are a couple of things to think about when using the Limitation Old Posts setting:.

If you've shared any posts with custom audiences, this setting will not alter the audiences for those past posts. This setting just alters the audience for posts that are shown friends of friends or the public.

If you have actually tagged someone in a past post, that individual, as well as other people that individual included in posts they're tagged in, are still included in the audience for that post after you restrict the audience for all old posts. So, it's wise to take care who you tag in posts.

The Limitation Old Posts setting just restricts the audience for posts you've personally shared. If you were tagged in another person's post, just they can limit who sees that post. You can make it harder for individuals to tag you in posts by preventing your name from being suggested when your pals post images that include you.
And one more thing please don’t forget to share this awesome trick to use the How Do I Make My Facebook Completely Private with your friends.

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How Do I Make My Facebook Completely Private | make Facebook Completely Private How Do I Make My Facebook Completely Private | make Facebook Completely Private Reviewed by A.EJE on 11:52 Rating: 5

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