How To View All Of My Pending Friend Requests on Facebook?

welcome to our How To View All Of My Pending Friend Requests on Facebook? post for 2019.

How To View All Of My Pending Friend Requests on Facebook?: You will learn how to View All Of your Pending Friend Requests on Facebook today in this post.
When you send a friends request to someone, you will hope their accept your request. Unfortunately, because any reason, they don’t accept immediately. Some time later, maybe they will accept, but now you don’t want to be their friends. Don’t worry, you can go through your pending requests and delete them.
First, login to your Facebook account:
How To View All Of My Pending Friend Requests on Facebook?
Next, click here and go to Friends Request Tab:

friends request tab

Finally, choose name of people you want cancel friend request ~> Friend Request Sent ~> Cancel Request
cancel friends request
How To View All Of My Pending Friend Requests on Facebook?

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How To View All Of My Pending Friend Requests on Facebook? How To View All Of My Pending Friend Requests on Facebook? Reviewed by Ed F8 on 10:41 Rating: 5

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