Unblocking someone on Facebook: The Best Way

Unblocking a user on Facebook is quite easy as long as you know what you’re doing. That begs the question; “How do I know what I’m doing?” Luckily, I’m about to show you just that. Keep reading to learn the best and easiest way to unblock someone on Facebook.
Facebook is a powerful platform and great means of keeping in contact with friends and family. However, it does have its cons and you might have blocked people when they got a little too annoying. If you want to reverse that action, here’s how to unblock someone on Facebook.
Unblocking someone on Facebook
You’ll be shown how to unblock on Facebook using either an iOS or Android device, or still, a Desktop.
On iOS and Android devices
  • Open your Facebook application
  • Click the menu bar on the bottom-right corner of the screen (iPhone) or on the top-right corner of the screen (Android)
  • Scroll down to find and select Settings. This step is non-existent on Android devices
  • Click Account Settings
  • Select Blocking
A list of users you’ve blocked is displayed here with an Unblock button to the right of each user.
  • Click the Unblock button to unblock any user you wish to not block anymore
At this point, you’ll be asked if you’re sure you want to unblock the user, and also given the “Unblock” and “Cancel” option buttons
  • Click the Unblock button
The user should be successfully unblocked.
On Desktop
  • Sign in to your Facebook account by visiting the Facebook website and entering your sign in details
  • Click the downward facing arrow on the top right corner
  • Select Settings from the drop-down menu
  • Click Blocking on the left side of your screen
A list of blocked users will appear close to the “Block users” area on your screen’s mid-section. Each blocked user has an “Unblock” button to its right.
  • Click the Unblock button
You’ll be asked if you’re sure you want to unblock the user and provided with the “Cancel” and “Confirm” option buttons on the bottom right corner.
  • Click the Confirm button
The user should be unblocked successfully.
Note however that you do not automatically become friends with unblocked users. To be friends once again, you have to send them a friend request. Also, if you mistakenly unblock a user you do not want unblocked, you’ll have to wait 48 hours to block the user again.
Unblocking someone on Facebook: The Best Way Unblocking someone on Facebook: The Best Way Reviewed by Ed F8 on 13:12 Rating: 5

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