How to Delete Facebook Account

How to Delete Facebook Account: Facebook allows you to maintain a connection with your loved ones, still there’s are few disadvantages. One of them is that it could be an unpleasant distraction, from pesky ads to boring posts.

Taking a short rest from Facebook is essential in this circumstance, it’s better than outright removal of your Facebook account. Temporary deactivation means your account would be rendered inactive until you decide to use it again. Though another alternative is deletion of account permanently.

Ensure you backup your account before deletion permanently or temporary.

Go to your Facebook account
· Then to settings
· Then to General settings
· Select “Download a copy of my Facebook information”
· Then finally, select beginning my archive
· You will be asked to input your password, after the info will start downloading into your device.

Now that you’ve downloaded your Facebook info, you are ready to delete your account, follow the steps below;
· Visit the facebook removal site via
· Then click on “delete my Facebook account”
· You will as well be required to input your Facebook password to complete the process
How to Delete Facebook Account  How to Delete Facebook Account Reviewed by A.EJE on 02:05 Rating: 5

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