How to Report Someone on Facebook

How to Report Someone on Facebook: Facebook has moved from the conventional chat platform impression to a place where you can develop your brand and represent your online presence to engage your audience, so your Facebook profile, posts and pages must at least strictly follow Facebook's guidelines regarding contents to avoid the risk of a ban or closure of your account because Facebook never tells you who reports your content, which is a move to safeguard the privacy of other users,

How to Report Someone on Facebook.

If a user comes across an offensive post or remark on Facebook, they call choose to report the author of the post. Comments and Personal messages are not left out as users can report virtually anything abusive on Facebook. Once any remark or post is found offensive, a user can send a report to Facebook personnel which will be analyzed to prevent abuse of the privilege in cases where individuals report something simply because they disagree with it, in such cases, after analysis there's a chance that no action will be taken but if the content is found improper by the abuse department, they will typically send a warning to the offender. Typical results of breaching Facebook's rules includes the following: 
  • Initially, you might simply get a warning via e-mail stating that your content was deleted and implore you to go through Facebook's guidelines for their dos and don'ts.
  • Your whole account or page might also be disabled, if your whole page or profile is discovered to contain content that are not in line with their rules.
The most heartbreaking part of it all is when your account is disabled or suspended, you don't get an email stating what has happened and might not discover until you attempt to access your account.  
What exactly happens when you report an abuse?  
The Facebook Security Group recently published an article on what happens when you report an abuse. In this article, it states that Facebook has four teams who handle abuse or illegal contents' report on their social media.
  1. The Safety Group deals mainly with violent, damaging behavior.
  2. The hate and Harassment group deals with hate speech.
  3. The Abusive Material Group deals with scams, spam and sexually specific content.
  4. The Access Team help users when their accounts are hacked or impersonated by imposters.
This is exactly what happens when you detect an illegal content and reports it on Facebook.
How to Report Someone on Facebook  How to Report Someone on Facebook Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 16:30 Rating: 5


  1. Hi my name is Marysa Husarova and I want to report someone on marketplace he was selling iphone xsmax for 550 he say to me like he will send me from post that phone but I send him money before phone come now i can't find him on fb and when I text him he see the message but he doesn't replay

  2. Hi,someone published my picture and blocked me a d everyone on the group writing bad comments under my pictures.
    The name of the group is "cobrele"and name of the person who published my picture is Rodica Curcubet.
