How to Suggest a Friend on Facebook

How to Suggest a Friend on Facebook: The Facebook platform has added a new dimension in which it suggests friends to be added to your account, if you look closely, you will see that your suggested friends on Facebook are actually friends you have a connection with in one way or the other. Ever wondered on what criteria these suggestions are based upon? Well they are suggested from the friends you have, the pages or Facebook group you belong or even from your profile details e.g state, work, city and your likes and interests. Facebook sometimes suggests friends based on the people you have on your list and suggest friends of your friends.

Note: These suggestions are merely tips and these tips does not imply Facebook actually send friends’ request to those listed in the suggestion.

How to Suggest a Friend on Facebook
Suggesting friends is absolutely easy in groups when you are the admin of the group page you can easily suggest friends or the group to users but for those not privilege to belong to a group page as the admin, you can still share the page and also suggest it to those that have access to your profile, and see your posts, pictures and comments on their information feeds.

Steps to suggest Friends for Group Admins
  • If you own a page on Facebook, follow the steps listed below to easily suggest to friends
  • Initially visit your Facebook account and navigate directly to the web page you intend to share.
  • Click on the "Suggest to friends" button, this can be found on the top right angle of the web page.
  • Choose the friends you wish to send out the page suggestion to, you can select multiple friends, after that click the "Share" button.

Steps to suggest Friends if you Do Not Own Web page

If you are just a member of the Facebook page or has other privileges asides from an admin, follow these steps to suggest to friends:
Read Also: How to Add an Admin to a Facebook Group
  • Login to your Facebook account and navigate to the web page you intend to share.
  • Click on the "Share" link, this will be at the bottom left margin of the web page.
  • You have the choice to include a message to the suggestion in the field provided, so type a catching message to your close friends.
  • Click the "Share" button to upload the web page suggestion and also your message to your Facebook wall
Note: When suggesting a web page in your post or timeline, if you wish to call the attention of some particular users, tag them in the message by typing the "@" icon, and start typing the letters of their name and select the user from the list of names that shows up in the intellisense autosuggest.

I hope you were able to suggest and get request to add from friends? Kindly share this article with your friends.
How to Suggest a Friend on Facebook How to Suggest a Friend on Facebook Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 17:21 Rating: 5

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