How to Change My Faceboook Password

How to Change Your Facebook Password: How Far back did you change your Facebook password? Although there are lots of benefits and disadvantages of causing a change on your password so often, making use of the same password since the day you created your account years ago is definitely not a good thing because it may pose a great threat on your account.

You may have being hacked one time or the other and now you are really bothered with being hacked again or maybe you just wish to make your Facebook account more secured and safe from marauding hackers, the best way to go about that is to constantly change your password so it won’t be liable to hackers. So how can you get to change your Facebook password? This article will reveal you every little thing you need to know.

To change your Facebook Password is an effortless task. Just conform with the basic detailed instructions below. Keep in mind: These directions just put on the web variation of Facebook.
  • -Browse to
  • -Enter your login details
  • -Click the little arrowhead facing down at the left corner screen.
  • -from the dropdown menu, pick Settings.
  • -then pick Security and also Login.
  • -Scroll down to the Login area below and click Change password.
  • -Enter your old password in the box provided
  • -enter a new strong password in the space provided and also enter it two times.
  • -Click on Save Changes.
Now that you’ve changed your password, any site connected to your Facebook account will be logged out for you to re-login again.

You should also ensure that you don’t forget your present username, this might cost you lots of process to regain or even make you loss the entire account if care is not duly taken.
See Also: Save Video on Facebook

I hope you enjoyed this article and have learnt how you can change your Facebook password successfully, you may as well help other to share this so they can gain from it and prevent their account from getting hacked.
How to Change My Faceboook Password How to Change My Faceboook Password Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 02:05 Rating: 5

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