How to Delete Facebook Post Quickly

How to Delete Facebook Posts: This article will show you how you can eliminate or delete any of your Facebook messages on Facebook, together with the best methods to remove a comment which may be either written by you or published on your write ups

You just sit back and relax while reading the procedures that can be used to erase a comment or post on Facebook;
Component 1: Erasing a Message on Mobile.

Action 1: Open up Facebook which is done by clicking on the Facebook icon from your list of apps. For those that have already signed in before, it will take you straight to your Facebook newsfeed but if you haven’t before, it will direct you to a login page which requires you to either login or create an account. Simply re-enter your password and email address where necessary to login into your account

Action 2: scroll through the display to search out the post you which to erase, you can as well go to your wall to bring out the post from there. If suppose it is a comment you made on someone’s post, you can also search for the person using the search box and then checking the individual’s wall for the post.

Action 3: now select your name on the post.

Action 4: after revealing your post, scroll to the exact comment you want to delete. Note that it is not actually possible to delete a message sent by another person, only the owner of the message has the right to do so

Action 5: from the front of the comment, you will notice a drop down arrow, click on it to bring out some alternative

Action 6: from the alternative, tap Delete. If you're only trying to remove your name from the post, you can just tap Remove tag and then OK to do so

Action 7: Tap Delete Message to remove the whole post from your Facebook wall which will also remove every comments as well as likes and reactions.

Component 2. Removing an Article on Desktop PC.

Step 1 Go to the Facebook website via and then login into your account using your login details

Step 2: Click your name tab

Step 3: Find a message you wish to erase from your Facebook wall

Step 5: Click Delete.

Step 6: Click Remove when asked to confirm

And that’s it, but note that you have to be warned, deleted messages or posts as well as comments cannot and will not be retrieved forever, so as soon as you confirm delete, it is gone for good.
Read Also: How Do You Change Your Birthday on Facebook
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How to Delete Facebook Post Quickly How to Delete Facebook Post Quickly Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 02:06 Rating: 5

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