Facebook Profile View

Facebook Profile View: In today’s article, we will show you steps required to view your Facebook profile and save you from all the phony apps that has promised to help you view your Facebook profile. Since most of those apps are developed for marketing purposes and to make money by attracting users using several means. So let’s show you an important step to view your Facebook profile. 

Facebook Profile View

Using the Facebook Page Source
Facebook does not provide the choice to find the individuals who view your profile, but we can discover it manually through a little tweak. It is recommended that you don’t trust all these third party apps as they are either used to spread malicious files on PC or used to spam one’s account.

Action 1: Launch any web browser and login to the Facebook account from your computer.
Action 2: If you are using Google chrome web browser then it will be easy for you to view Facebook page source due to the fact that view page source option can be seen when you right click on any section of the web page. So from your Facebook account, right click and go to the alternative > view page source.
Action 3: Your Facebook account source page will appear similar to the screenshot below.
Action 4: Now search for the word "FriendsList" in the page source by pressing the control + F (command + F for Mac users) buttons.

Action 5: Your browser will then reveal the word that matches "FriendsList" from the Facebook page source.
Action 6: Close to "FriendsList" you will see some string of numbers. Those numbers are the profile id's of the Facebook users who saw your Facebook profile lot of times. I am just showing an example for you to discover the most checked out individual utilizing those numbers. Simply choose a number from that page source and insert it in your Web browser using the link https://www.Facebook.com/thenumber and hit the enter button.
That’s how you can simply locate the users who view your Facebook profile.

Facebook Profile View Facebook Profile View Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 17:54 Rating: 5

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