How to Change Instagram Password

Instagram account is a popular target for cyber-attacks these days as users complain often of their attacks been hacked, most people do not take this serious as they think what will the hackers stand to gain if they hack their accounts, well not only the celebrities or important figures’ account are been hacked, a normal account can be hacked so as to impersonate the owner and send out spam mails to other users that generates traffic or automatically refers them to a phishing site. 

How to Change Instagram Password

To easily and instantly change your Instagram password, follow the steps below:
  • Launch the Instagram app and go to your profile page. Tap the Settings symbol in the top right corner and then select Change Password.
  • You will be required to enter your current Password as well as your New Password two times.
  • Click Done and that’s it your password is altered.
Note: For those that don’t have access to their Mobile device on which the app is installed, kindly navigate to
  • Enter your Old Password and your New Password two times and click Change Password. That easy step will simply update your password.
  • Remember a solid password is simply one way you can secure your Instagram account. If you want to keep it really secured, you can likewise enable the two-factor verification.
I hope this article was helpful?

How to Change Instagram Password  How to Change Instagram Password Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 17:24 Rating: 5

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