How to Delete Facebook comments

How to Delete Facebook comments: Sometimes people make the mistake of posting annoying remarks on others post but find it difficult to erase, in this article, we will show you the simple ways to easily delete a Facebook comment. 

Read Also: How to Delete Activity Log on Facebook
How to delete Facebook comments
To delete the comments you have made on someone’s post or to delete other’s comments on your posts follow these steps.
  • Go to the post that you have commented and scroll down to that comment you wish to delete.
  • Click edit, this is the pencil icon and select delete if you wish to delete that comment or edit if you wish to edit that comment 

  • Then you will be asked to confirm your action, once you do this, your comment will be deleted
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How to Delete Facebook comments How to Delete Facebook comments Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 17:42 Rating: 5

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