How to delete comments on Facebook

How to delete comments on Facebook: Writing comments on your friend’s posts or pictures sounds fun until you realize you have mistakenly sent just one comment several times due to bad network connectivity or you have unintentionally added a bad phrase which might cause a chaos on Facebook. You know you have an option to remove those comments as soon as possible but what you don't know is how it is done. Just keep your calm, this article will take you through the ways comments can be deleted on Facebook.

The steps though gives same result is a bit different depending on the device you are using to surf Facebook, so I will endeavor to go through using PC and Android to delete comment on Facebook

Using PC
  • Go to the post you commented on
  • Then to your comments
  • Place you cursor on the comment and then click on the arrow to the right pointing downwards
  • From the drop-down list, select "delete"
  • You can as well change your mind and decide to edit the comment instead, click "edit" then change whatever you want to change and post.

Using Android
  • Go to the comment you wish to delete
  • Tap "more" which is just below the comment
  • From the pop-up menu, choose "delete" option
  • Just like the PC, you can also decide to edit your comments by tapping "edit". 

You see how easy it is to delete comment on Facebook, so don't waste much time thinking of your grammatical errors, you can delete it or edit it to correct yourself as soon as you notice it.
Read Also: How to make Facebook Event Public
Kindly share this with your friends so they can also learn how to immediately remove mistake from comments or even the whole comments.
How to delete comments on Facebook How to delete comments on Facebook Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 12:39 Rating: 5

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