How to unfriend a Facebook Friend

How to unfriend a Facebook Friend: Your relationship with a friend may grow soar in a long run due to some reasons which is known to you and you want to cut all ties with the friend including unfriending them on Facebook but you find it difficult to do it.

This article will teach you how you can unfriend someone from your friend’s list, the steps are listed below;
  • Go to the person’s timeline
  • Click on “friend” button which will reveal a drop-down menu
  • From the drop-down menu, select “unfriend”
  • Then confirm you really want to remove the individual from your friend’s list

The individual is then removed from your friend’s list without getting a notification that his/her friend list has reduced but anyone who keeps watch on the numbers of friends he/she has on Facebook will definitely get to know eventually.
Read Also: how to detect those that unfriend you on Facebook.
If over time, you and the individual become friends again and you wish to renew the friendship on Facebook, all you need to do is to send another friend request to the individual which he/she then accept.

The above procedures might not be useful for those surfing Facebook from an iPhone or iPad due to differences in the level of interface compared with android or PC, for the benefit of those using iPhone or iPad, I will show you how you can unfriend a friend on Facebook;
  • First, go to your friend’s list and click on the friend you wish to unfriend, this takes you to his/her profile
  • Click on the arrow at the top right corner of the profile
  • Then from the pop-up list, click unfriend in the red box

Now you have successfully unfriend the individual, he/she will no longer see your post on his/her news feed and you in turn won’t see his/her post on yours either.

I hope you’ve benefitted from this article, kindly return the favour by sharing this with your real friends so they can remove all foes and fake friends from their list thereby making Facebook a friend’s only zone.
How to unfriend a Facebook Friend How to unfriend a Facebook Friend Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 13:00 Rating: 5

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