How to update Instagram app

How to update Instagram app:Instagram update their application as soon as they discover a new feature which they believe will make Instagram fun for users or when they fixed a bug which any user complained of while using the app. In order to enjoy these new features, it is important you update your Instagram app as soon as it brings its notification. 

Below are the steps to follow when you wish to use the latest Instagram app;
  • Open the Google play store
  • Click on the three horizontal bars at the top left corner of the page
  • Then tap “my applications & video games” which will bring out all the installed app on your device
  • Search for Instagram and click on it
  • Click on “update” to start downloading the app update
  • After downloading, it automatically installs into your device
But note that if you see “open” rather than “update” on the Google play store, then it means your Instagram app is already up to date. You can keep enjoying and check back after some days.

Also note that the above procedure is only meant for android users, those using iPhone or iPad, you should visit the iOS rather Google play store to download your Instagram update
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With the procedures, you can always use the latest Instagram app and enjoy the best features as soon as it is released. You can hit the share button to also help your pals learn how they can update their Instagram app.
How to update Instagram app How to update Instagram app Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 11:09 Rating: 5

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