How to Search For a Facebook User

How to Search For a Facebook User: Facebook is now the leading social network platform as it boasts a considerable number of users more than any other of its rivals. People join Facebook in mass these days as they attempt to keep in touch with family and friends, improve their brands or do other sort of things on Facebook. So today’s article is a walk through (with photos!) of the steps involved in order to successfully search and start keeping in touch with the people around the globe. 

How to Search For a Facebook User
Facebook helps to connect with people on a large scale and a search feature has been provided to help users with locating their "Friends and Family" easily on Facebook. You only have the ability to view a users’ timeline once you become "Friends" and they can only view your posts and pictures only after you add each other as friends, an exception to this occurs only when a user sets their timeline view settings to “Public” which enables all Facebook users to view their timeline even if they are not friends. 
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Although Facebook suggests Friends for you with your e-mail account, phone numbers or through your friends’ list, you have the ability to search for users and add them as friends. To do this follow the steps listed below:
  • Log in to your account, from your Facebook homepage click on the search icon in the header of the page
  • This will enable a search field where you can type in the name of the user
  • Once you type in the name, Facebook will give you a list of users that match your search result. Locate and click on the name of the user
  • Once you click on the name, their profile is displayed to you and you can click the “add as friend” button to send the user a friend request which will be seen directly on the recipient’s timeline.
  • Once the user accepts your request, you have become friends and can provide to send messages share posts, pictures and ultimately have fun on Facebook’s amazing platform
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How to Search For a Facebook User How to Search For a Facebook User Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 11:53 Rating: 5

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