How to Share Instagram Pictures on Facebook

How to Share Instagram Pictures on Facebook: Instagram is not only a form of social media to catch fun or for personal usage; it's can also be a form of advertisement and marketing platform where all sort of businesses and specialists can choose to display their products and masterpieces. It’s common these days for users to open several social media accounts, so if you use both Facebook and Instagram for any sort of activity you do, you can actually connect them together and share your posts, comments and remarks on both social platforms.

How to Share Instagram Pictures on Facebook

To instantly upload your Instagram pictures to your Facebook account, follow the steps listed below.
  • Launch the Instagram application from the Home screen of your device.
  • Click on the Profile icon in the bottom navigating.
  • Now all you need to do is click on the Settings icon located in the upper right hand corner, close to the Edit Your Profile switch and looks like a gear.

  • From here click on Linked Accounts.
  • Then locate and tap Facebook.
  • Tap OK from the option that shows up on display. If you aren't logged into the Facebook app, you may be required to include your account information.
  • Once you connect these accounts, you'll have the alternative to share a post to Facebook from the very same screen where you add a caption.
Read Also: Instagram Post to Facebook Fan page
What you stand to gain if you share
Instagram is just one of the widely-used social media systems these days, and users upload every little thing from vacation pictures to recent activities and since millions of users post pictures to Instagram, you stand the chance of at least relaying your message to a large number of people.

That’s all there is to learn about sharing posts on multiple social networks, kindly use this feature to your strength and I hope this article was helpful?
How to Share Instagram Pictures on Facebook  How to Share Instagram Pictures on Facebook Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 09:35 Rating: 5

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