Someone Blocked Me on Instagram

Someone Blocked Me on Instagram: Have you ever experienced such circumstance on social media platforms when you try to view the articles of any of your friends but you find out you are unable to access their account? This happens on popular social network platforms like Facebook, Twitter and it is even worse on Instagram, the great photo sharing platform. When this happens, It may be due to two factors. First, if he has blocked his account completely and second if he has actually blocked your profile. Well! On Instagram, there is no direct way to check out the blockers, although there are some choices you can use unofficially to check.

Someone Blocked Me on Instagram
To easily identify who has blocked you on Instagram, consider these methods:
Important: How to discover who follows you on Instagram
Method 1: [Via Android, iPhone Applications]
If you are an Android user, you can download and install InstaFollow for Instagram from Google Application. It is a third party app that aids you handle your Instagram fans as well as un-followers.
Click here to download this app directly.
  1. Launch it when you have actually downloaded and installed it.
  2. It will reveal a web page that alerts you to Sign in with Instagram.
  3. Click it and proceed by supplying your Instagram Username and Password to log in.
  4. The next web page is where you are actually looking for? Below, you will certainly see the people who have actually blocked you If you click on the option
Additional applications that ios users can try out includes:
  1. InstaReport
  2. Track your Followers
But note that just one of this apps is needed and should be installed on your device at a time.

Method 2: The Manual Method

For those users that falls in same category as me, the third party application haters, you can easily figure out who blocked you on Instagram by trying to follow such individual. If you were currently following the person, you need to inspect if there shows up a red flag on his profile, if the red flag is visible on his or her profile, It shows you have to "follow" that person again. As soon as you tap the "Follow" option, it will certainly not proceed and that confirms that he has blocked you without a doubt.

These are simple ways to detect those who has blocked you on Instagram. I hope this article was helpful, help us share with friends and if you face any challenge, alert us in the comment section below. Thank you.

Someone Blocked Me on Instagram  Someone Blocked Me on Instagram Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 10:09 Rating: 5

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