How to Link Instagram to Twitter

How to Link Instagram to Twitter: Linking your Instagram account with Twitter enables you to share your Instagram photos directly to you twitter accounts and enables you to post directly to either platform from the other. To connect the apps, you could manually set it up via your Settings app, and ones you successfully connect both accounts, each time you upload posts or images on on, you will be prompted if you desire to post it to the other but remember, this convenient button only shows up after linking both accounts through the Instagram app. 

How To Link Instagram To Twitter

Create the Connection
From your Instagram application, Open your profile and choose the gear icon, from the list of options, pick "Share Settings" which presents a list of accounts with which you could share you Instagram posts. Tap "Twitter" and afterwards validate your option to allow you to connect to Twitter. You may be asked to validate with your twitter account details, simply key in these details and boom, if accurate, your accounts are connected.
Check out: How to Detect Email Address on Instagram
These are the simple steps you need to follow to easily connect Instagram accounts with twitter. Kindly help us share this article
How to Link Instagram to Twitter How to Link Instagram to Twitter Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 01:44 Rating: 5

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