Synchronize Your Facebook Contacts

Synchronize Your Facebook Contacts: Your mobile devices especially android are interactive platform which allows you to connect with contacts from different social networks including Facebook. This article treats the different ways to synchronize your Facebook contact into your android devices. 

Method 1: if you currently do not have Facebook application installed into your android device, the first step to try is to download and install Facebook application from Google play, immediately after it is launched and logged in, Facebook will automatically request if it could synchronize your contacts, by accepting, it download all your contacts into your device, this could take time depending on the numbers of your contact and their photo. As soon as it is done, your device contact will be updated with your Facebook contacts. 

Method 2: in case you already downloaded and installed Facebook application on your device but is yet to synchronize your contact, you can follow these steps to sync them,
First go to settings, then account & sync, then click on Facebook, then synchronize contact, and finally sync now.

Then the contact will start synchronizing into your device. 
Read: How to Sign Up on Facebook

Method 3: if the above procedures didn't work out or you could not see Facebook in the account & sync settings, then you have to use a third-party application to synchronize your contact, there are hundreds of app that can perform this function but I strongly suggest you used UberSync. This app is capable of synchronizing various applications including Facebook into your android devices, all you have to do is to launch the application and choose Facebook, then it synchronize all Facebook contact. 

I hope you got the various ways to sync your Facebook contacts with ease, make sure you broadcast this article to all your contacts so they can learn.
Synchronize Your Facebook Contacts Synchronize Your Facebook Contacts Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 03:14 Rating: 5

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