How to Remove Facebook Account

How to Remove Facebook Account: There are many reasons for you to want to remove your account, maybe yours is the issue of online disturbance or it might be issue of privacy, whichever one it is, since you have made up your mind to remove your Facebook account, this article will help you to do just that. 
You still have a die minute option to have a change of mind, you can as well shut down your Facebook account to reopen later rather than remove it completely which will erase all your profile.
Removing an account on Facebook is extremely tricky since Facebook itself does not want you to do it, so you have to maneuver your way through series of steps to finally remove the account. Below are steps that should be taken in order to shut down your Facebook account temporarily and remove your Facebook account permanently.
Quick Read: How to Obstruct a Facebook friend
Shut down your account
If your final decision is to temporarily shut down your Facebook account, then;
  • Open your Facebook account
  • Click on the arrow pointing down
  • Click on setup and then general settings
  • Then click on manage account
  • Select download and install my Facebook information (this save your Facebook information on your device)
  • Finally click on deactivate account, then confirm
You have successfully shut down your account temporarily, to set it up again, just visit Facebook website and login to your account like normal.

Remove your account

If your decision is to remove your Facebook account, make sure you know that this decision is irreversible, then;
  • Visit your Facebook account
  • Go to setup
  • Then to general
  • Manage account to download and install your account information, so it could be useful later
  • Then open a new tab and follow this link 

  • Confirm that you really want to delete your account
You have successfully removed your account but note that your information will still be on Facebook, so it advised not to login into such account for about 90 days when it will be sure that it has been completely removed.
How to Remove Facebook Account  How to Remove Facebook Account Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 00:34 Rating: 5

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