How to Permanently Delete Facebook 2018

How to Permanently Delete Facebook 2018: Facebook is one of the most popular social network platform with a large fan base and user statistics shows that it is the leading platform when it comes to social networking. Even around you this can be verified, visit a café and see that almost all the users there has a particular tab opened on which they logged in their Facebook account, even among our friends, their recent tab history on mobile device will have the Facebook app once they have access to internet connectivity. Upon all these quest for Facebook, Nonetheless will be times when Facebook just ends up being a source of distraction or gets absolutely boring, these are the times we consider deleting our Facebook account. 

How to Permanently Delete Facebook
There is a slight difference between deactivating your Facebook account and actually deleting your Facebook account, in this article our major goal is to help you easily delete your Facebook account permanently in 2018. Follow these two simple phases to get your FB account off Facebook

Phase 1: Back up your Facebook data
This might seem unnecessary if you seriously wish to forget about Facebook totally but are you ready to actually let go of those amazing pictures, posts that reminds you of pleasant moments. To back up and save your Facebook data on your device, perform the following actions:
From your profile, go to Settings, General Account Settings, then choose Download a copy of my Facebook Data.
After this just click on Start my archive and you will be required to supply your Facebook account password, once this is verified you will receive a copy of your Facebook data in a mail that will be sent to you. This mail will include a download link to download and install all your information. Click on the link which will reveal a download button, from here click on download and your Facebook information will be downloaded in a zip format.

Phase 2: Delete Facebook Account
Let’s move to how you can now finally get your Facebook account off Facebook platform, but note that there is no specific button to help you out – who would actually want to lose their customer – I guess this was the main reason why Facebook decided not to include a delete account button that are revealed easily to users. Don't worry because we will now show you how to get this done easily and quickly!
  • Firstly, you need to sign in to your Facebook account.
  • Once you are signed in, click on this link
  • Afterwards just click on Delete My Account.
  • This will prompt you to confirm your action, and request you enter your password.
  • Upon verification of these details, your Facebook account will certainly be erased completely and you will not be able to visit to the extent that if you ever wish to use Facebook again, you will have to create a new account and build your profile from scratch.
Read: How to Deactivate a Facebook account
All that’s left is to ensure you do not login your Facebook account, because the deletion process takes approximately 90 days to be completed, so resist al urge to login to your Facebook account and remove all linked accounts.

That's it! You have successfully said your goodbye to Facebook. Go ahead and enjoy your distraction free moments.
How to Permanently Delete Facebook 2018 How to Permanently Delete Facebook 2018 Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 15:37 Rating: 5

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