How to Share Multiple Pictures on Instagram | Share Multiple Pictures in one Instagram Post

How to Share Multiple Pictures on Instagram | Share Multiple Pictures in one Instagram Post: Instagram has been evolving of late and contending seriously with its fellow social networks. The great social media platform recently added a new feature that enables user to share multiple pictures and videos in a single Instagram post as opposed the conventional single picture, single video that can be attached to a post.

With this, users have the ability to share approximately 10 photos and also video clips in a single blog post. So follow this step by step guide to easily share multiple images / videos in a single Instagram post.

How to Post Multiple Picture Instagram
  • From your Instagram account, click on the + sign to create new post.
  • Tap the "Select several" button.
  • This will take you to your gallery, tap on up to 10 photos and videos to add them to your post, and then tap "Following.".
  • Select a filter for your pictures as well as video clips, this point is optional and only helpful if you wish to add Filters to your post.
Read: How to use Instagram Filters in Photoshop
That is how you can easily upload up to ten images in your Instagram post.
If at the point of selecting images, you selected fewer than 10 and wish to add more images or video clips to your post, just tap either the "<" button below your Instagram page to return to the previous screen, or scroll to the right of the photos or videos, and tap the "+" button again.

It is not a must to upload 10 images as this feature gives you the ability to upload between one to ten images. So if you wish to eliminate a photo or video clip added by mistake from the collection, you can likewise tap the "<" button (back icon) to go back to the previous display and unselect that image or video.

After all is set, just tap "Share" to post the images and videos to your Instagram feed.
How to Share Multiple Pictures on Instagram | Share Multiple Pictures in one Instagram Post How to Share Multiple Pictures on Instagram | Share Multiple Pictures in one Instagram Post Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 15:40 Rating: 5

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