How to Quickly Unfriend Someone on Facebook

How to Quickly Unfriend Someone on Facebook: I recently checked my friend’s list on Facebook and you will be surprised with the number I saw on that list, this made me check out the names on this list. Alas! I realized am actually friends with a large number of people I don’t even know. Sometimes when we see some posts on our timeline we wonder, when did we really these guys up, or do you have a certain friend that spams your timeline with irrelevant posts, well gone are the days when you are compelled to keep up with that attitude because today, I will reveal to you how you can easily unfriend someone on Facebook with ease.

How to Quickly Unfriend Someone on Facebook
If you take your time out and read this article, you would be surprised what you stand to gain, when you start seeing the posts and remarks of your friends with ease on your timeline as opposed the time you have to put off with the large number of spams that overtakes meaningful comments on your timeline. Listed below are the easy steps to 'unfriend' a person on Facebook: 
Read Also: How to Suggest a Facebook Friend
  • Initially, login to your Facebook account
  • From your Facebook timeline, click on the three horizontal lines to reveal Facebook options, from this list click on find friends just as seen in the image below. 

  • Then click on friends, as seen at the top right hand corner, this will list out your Facebook friends 

  • Once the profile of the friend is revealed, click on the friends list slightly below the user’s name
  • From the list of options available, select the “Unfriend” option to instantly unfriend the individual. 

That’s all
I hope with this article, you will be able to easily check through your Facebook timeline and see your friends mood and activities from there pictures, posts, comments and reactions. Don’t miss out on wonderful posts!
How to Quickly Unfriend Someone on Facebook  How to Quickly Unfriend Someone on Facebook Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 15:20 Rating: 5

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