How to view Users' Facebook Profile

How to view Users' Facebook Profile: The most intriguing technique needed by Facebook users is how to view the list of those who visited their account. Although there are some many applications that promises to easily reveal the list of individuals who visits your Facebook timeline but most of these applications are developed for solely for marketing purposes, they are either targeted at making money by bring in users, spam user's timeline with link to spam sites or generally to acquire some information from its users. 
So I would advice users to avoid using third party applications because they desire to check those who view their Facebook profile as most of these applications are not trust worthy. There are other processes that will reveal to you your Facebook stalkers, these processes will be discussed in this article as we show you two perfectly working techniques to discover who specially spends time on your profile.

Check out who visits your profile regularly
Follow the steps in this guide to reveal the individuals who visits your Facebook profile. 
Through Facebook Page Source: An amazing technique to show who visits your Facebook profile is the use of Facebook page source, although this is made available to Facebook developers, it goes a long way to reveal your stalkers on FB. To do this follow these guides:

  • Log in to your Facebook account from a web browser that can reveal Facebook page source. Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers are suitable for this.
  • If you are accessing it from Google chrome web browser, then it will be quite simple for you to view Facebook page source since view page source choice is given easily when you right click on your mouse, from any area of the web page.
  • Simply click on the view page source alternative.
  • Your Facebook account source page will appear like the screenshot provided below.
  • The next thing you need to do is search the word "FriendsList" in the page source, this can be done by pressing the ctrl + F (command + F for Mac users) buttons and type in "FriendsList" in the search field, then press enter.
  • Your web browser will locate and show you the "FriendsList" word from the Facebook page source.
  • Very close to the word "FriendsList" you will see some strings of numbers. These numbers are the profile IDs of the individuals who visited your Facebook profile often. Copy the number from that page source and paste it in your address bar appending the facebook URL for instance if the ID is 78964325 simply type in the address bar, it will automatically load you the profile of your Facebook stalker. That's all but keep in mind that the numbers on the page source appears according to how often a user views your profile, the first user ID visits your profile more often than those that follows it.

I hope this article was clear and precise enough? Kindly follow the steps strictly, we never can tell you might just be some clicks away discovering that individual who has a crush on you.
How to view Users' Facebook Profile  How to view Users' Facebook Profile Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 15:45 Rating: 5

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