Facebook Ads – Facebook Advertising Manager

Facebook Ads Manager – Facebook Advertising Manager
Facebook Advertising Manager; before you will be able to create a Facebook Ads campaign you will have to select the Ads manager tool from the top left corner of your screen. Once you are done with that you will have to tap on the green ‘create Ad’ button in the top right side of the page.

In this content you are going to see steps that will guide you on how to set up a Facebook Ads campaign.
Firstly you will have to choose your campaign objective which are, brand awareness, local awareness, reach, traffic, engagement, all installs, video views, lead generation, conversions, product catalog sales, and store visits.
How to Choose your Campaign Objective For Facebook Ads

These campaign objectives determine the campaign’s ad formats, biding options, and auto- optimization. You can auto optimize your ads to deliver you more result. It is also advisable that you always choose the campaign objective that reflects on your end goal. And if your campaign’s ultimate goal is to increase brand awareness, choose the brand awareness objective.

After you have done that you can now name your Ad campaign, because when you give it a name it tells it all. When you want to name your Facebook ads campaign don’t always forget to add the date range because it enables you to easily navigate between your campaigns later.

You can now set up the audience target by creating a new Facebook target audience and using a save audience.

Note; when you set up the right Facebook target audience it paramount for the final result of your advertising. And these steps require your Ad placement set up.

Facebook ads appears in multiple places like, Facebook news feed either mobile or desktop, Facebook right hand column, instagram, audience network, instant articles, and in stream video.
How to select your Facebook Ads placements

Selecting your Facebook Ads placement is very easy if you follow the steps very carefully. Setting up this help you get people to visit your website. If you find it difficult to scroll on your mobile device you can de-select the mobile newsfeed, instagram and audience network placements.
The following are the ad placement recommended by Facebook for every campaign objective;
Brand awareness; Facebook and instagram
Engagement; Facebook and instagram
Video views; Facebook instagram and audience network
App installs; Facebook, instagram and audience network
Traffic; for websites clicks and app engagements.
Product catalog sales; Facebook and audience network
Conversions; Facebook and audience network.

Once you have done this, it is now the right time for you to set up your campaign budget and budding and it is very important then chooses your preferred Facebook ad type and inserts your ad images and copy.
Facebook Ads – Facebook Advertising Manager  Facebook Ads – Facebook Advertising Manager Reviewed by A.EJE on 15:31 Rating: 5

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