Whatsapp Business Web – WhatsApp Business

Whatsapp Business Web

Are you a small business owner using Whatsapp to improve your business? Well, then you should be twice as productive to improve your business faster. The Whatsapp business web is a web feature that helps all Whatsapp business owners connect their Whatsapp account to their pc without having to lose any information. Well, Whatsapp users should be familiar with this as the normal Whatsapp app also encourages this feature. The Whatsapp business web platform allows you to work more effectively and be twice as productive by working with both your phone and your pc or desktop.

Now you should know that there is no way to access Whatsapp or Whatsapp business without their mobile app and you also need to have a mobile app to be able to use the Whatsapp business web platform or the Whatsapp web platform. This means that you must have a mobile device or any device that supports the Whatsapp business app first before you can think of using the Whatsapp business web platform.

Benefits of the Whatsapp Business Platform

The Whatsapp business web platform has a lot of benefits that are quite reduced by common individuals. However I wish to tell you that no matter what other people are saying about it, it is worth it and it can be used to improve your business faster as it is twice productive. Also as a bonus the Whatsapp business web platform like the Whatsapp business does not need anybody using the regular Whatsapp to have to download the Whatsapp business first. Other features are the quick replies and the text analysis.
How To Access And Use Whatsapp Business Web

Like we have established above, you need a mobile device that supports the Whatsapp business app first before you can use the Whatsapp business web platform. Now on your Whatsapp business supported device, install the Whatsapp business app from your device play store and follow the procedures below;
Launch the Whatsapp business app on your device.
Enter your phone number to continue and a six digit confirmation code will be sent to your device.
Enter the six digit code and login your account.
Tap the menu icon on your device Whatsapp business home page and click on web connect.
Enter web.whatsapp.com on your pc or desktop and use your mobile device to scan the QR code.

If the QR code is scanned successfully, then your Whatsapp account will be available on your pc or desktop but you must acknowledge that you need an active internet connection on both your mobile device and your pc for this to work.
Whatsapp Business Web – WhatsApp Business  Whatsapp Business Web – WhatsApp Business Reviewed by A.EJE on 03:30 Rating: 5

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