Facebook Countdown Clock – Facebook Page

Facebook Countdown Clock

I’m very sure that you know what a countdown clock is, but the question is do you know how to implement and use it? Using a Facebook countdown clock is easy. There are many sites which are totally free and easy to use. Facebook countdown clocks are used for facebook pages. This literally means that before you can use a facebook countdown clock you need to own a facebook account and a facebook page. Creating a Facebook account is not really the main issues here because you already know how to do that. But if you do not know how to do that, follow the steps below;

How to Open a Facebook Account

To open a Facebook account, navigate to www.Facebook.com and follow the guidelines below;

If you do not see a sign up form, click on the sign up link at the bottom of the page.
Fill the form with your personal details and proceed by clicking the sign in button at the bottom of the page again.
Confirm your mobile number or email address by inputting the code you were sent in the required text field.

After confirmation, follow the facebook steps to fully set up your account. If you already have a facebook account you want to use, you can log in to facebook using the steps below.
Go to www.facebook.com.
On this page, fill the log in form with your, mobile number or email address and password.
After that, click on sign in.

To use the countdown clock you must have a facebook page, if you do not know how to create one, you can search it up on this web page and learn it.
How to Set Up the Facebook Countdown Clock

Getting used to the facebook countdown clock interface is really easy but can pose to be a problem for those who have no idea of what we are talking about. To sign up for countdown clock follow the guidelines below;
Log in to facebook and search for “time and date”.
Change preference to apps and select the first result.
Hover on timers and select “countdown to any date”
Choose your countdown template, and fill in all the necessary details about your countdown clock.
Edit the design to your taste by adding font styles and formatting.

When you are done, click the green create countdown button. Once this is done, you would see the countdown clock on your facebook page.
Facebook Countdown Clock – Facebook Page  Facebook Countdown Clock – Facebook Page Reviewed by A.EJE on 00:20 Rating: 5

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