WhatsApp Web QR Code Scanner – WhatsApp Account

WhatsApp Web QR Code Scanner

You may probably have heard of the WhatsApp web and you are wondering what the WhatsApp web QR code scanner is all about. Well, I am pleased to say that it is the reason you are reading this article right now. The WhatsApp web QR code scanner is a feature on your WhatsApp account. You may probably have tried accessing WhatsApp on the web and you got stuck at a QR code. You would be requested to scan the code, but you would not be able to scan the code without a WhatsApp supported device with a good rear camera. I am sure you know what a rear camera is. If you do not know you can just look it up on google. You would be required to log in to WhatsApp on your mobile device before you can effectively use WhatsApp on the web.

How to open a WhatsApp account

A WhatsApp account can easily be opened, but the only catch in this is that it cannot be opened on the web. You must have a mobile number and a good smartphone. Note that only after opening a WhatsApp account would you have access to a WhatsApp QR code scanner. Follow these steps to open a WhatsApp account.

First, download and install the WhatsApp latest version from your device play store or iOS store.
When this is completed, you can now launch the app.
Now, WhatsApp only allows one mobile number per account, so if you have opened a WhatsApp account using that same number before, you would not be able to use it again.
When the WhatsApp application fully loads, you would have to input your mobile number.
After keying in the number, wait for a little to receive a six-digit code. This is a form of security for WhatsApp. This method is used to determine whether you are the owner of the number you are using.
After getting the code, key it in the required space on the app.

Wait for a little while and you would now be logged in to WhatsApp on your device and have access to a WhatsApp code scanner. After opening a WhatsApp account, the device you used in opening the account would automatically become a WhatsApp code scanner. This is the reason I said your device must have a good rear camera.
How to Scan the Whatsapp QR Code and Connect To Whatsapp Web Using Your New Code Scanner

Like I said before, your device is now your WhatsApp code scanner, follow the steps you see below to scan WhatsApp QR code.
Launch the WhatsApp application on your device.
Click on the menu icon represented by three dots.
From the drop down, select WhatsApp web.
You WhatsApp QR code scanner would now be launched.
On the web, navigate to web.whatsapp.com.
On this page, you would see a QR code to be scanned.
Now scan it with your code scanner.

If it doesn’t work, try magnifying your browser.
WhatsApp Web QR Code Scanner – WhatsApp Account  WhatsApp Web QR Code Scanner – WhatsApp Account Reviewed by A.EJE on 01:50 Rating: 5

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