How Does Facebook Store Work – Facebook Store

How Does Facebook Store Work

Have you ever wondered how does the facebook store work? If by now you don’t know how the facebook store works it simply means that you haven’t made use of it. You maybe have been using Facebook for some time now and you haven’t come across this facebook feature and function. Well, it isn’t your fault that you don’t know of the Facebook store feature.

The thing is that you have come across it before sometime in your newsfeed and you do not know. Not to worry because I will be telling you everything and anything you need to know of the facebook store and how it works.
What Is the Facebook Store All About?

The facebook store is one of the various features available to facebook users. With this feature facebook users can conveniently buy and sell stuff directly on facebook. This feature has been a revelation since it was launched and made available to facebook users. It has ben of tremendous help to small scale business platforms and young entrepreneurs.

Features and Benefits of the Facebook Store

This facebook feature has lots of benefits and advantages. These are some of the reasons why it has been of help and people are still making use of it. Below are some of the benefits of the facebook store feature.
it is free to use and startup
easy to understand the platform
it is cost-free
Facebook does not charge you any percentage for product sales.
Your brands and products get exposure on a massive scale both locally and globally.

These are some of the features of the facebook store platform. If you want more benefits of this platform you will need to make use of the platform.
How to Set Up a Facebook Store – How Does Facebook Store Work

Setting up a facebook store is easy and free. But you will need to know the technical know-how first. to successfully set up a facebook store follow the steps below;
On your facebook page click on the add section tab under your page cover photo.
Click on the add shop section tab on the next page.
You will start editing your shop details on the next page.
Edit your payment options.
Start adding products to your shop.
Edit your shipping options.
Manage your shop settings.
Manage your shop orders.

Follow the steps above carefully and your facebook shop will be set up in no time. But you will need a facebook page in order to open your shop on facebook. If you want to use this feature you will need to open or create a facebook page for your brand and integrate your facebook store with it.
How Does Facebook Store Work – Facebook Store  How Does Facebook Store Work – Facebook Store Reviewed by A.EJE on 17:49 Rating: 5

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