How to Create an Online Store on Facebook

Are you looking for a way on how to create an online store on facebook? Come to think of it before someone or anyone would want to create an online store he or she must have a reason. Most online marketers are now selling their products via online stores. This is because everybody is now going online to do most of the activities they used to do on the ground mostly shopping. So therefore if you want to sell your products you better make use of an online store.

These online stores have lots of benefits and added advantages. But the only disadvantage with online store platforms is the cost. Sometimes it is almost impossible to keep up with these stores after creating them and therefore tend to fold up after sometime. Finding an online store platform that charges nothing is like finding a pin in a hay stack. There are few platforms that are free although. But the disadvantages with these ones are that they have limited features.

But with the facebook store feature the gap has been breached. The facebook store feature is completely free of charge, and it has lots of great benefits. But do you know what the facebook store is? If you have been following my works then you should know what the facebook store is by now. Well for the benefits of those who don’t know what the facebook store is, here it is.

The facebook store is also known as the facebook shop. With this facebook feature facebook users can easily buy and sell directly to other facebook users on the platform. Since its introduction to facebook users it has endured tremendous growth. This is because it has been of help to many facebook users.
How to Create an Online Store on Facebook

Creating an online store on facebook is easy but only if you know about it. To create an online store on facebook you need a facebook page. This is because the facebook store feature is integrated and embedded with the facebook page feature. If you do not have a facebook page, you need to create one. This is because without the facebook page you cannot create a facebook store. To create a facebook store follow the steps below;
On your facebook page click on the ‘add a section’ tab right under the cover photo of your facebook page.
Click on the add shop section on the next page.
You will need to follow the on screen options on the next page to compete the whole process.

That’s all you need to do to successfully create your facebook store. When you are done click on finish. To create a facebook page account go to
How to Create an Online Store on Facebook  How to Create an Online Store on Facebook Reviewed by A.EJE on 17:46 Rating: 5

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