Make a Facebook Store – Facebook Shop

Do you want to make a Facebook store? This is easy. The Facebook store is one of the recent features of the Facebook platform yet one of the most important and relevant features to Facebook users. With this feature, Facebook users can shop on the platform. Just in case you do not know of the Facebook platform, you will know everything about it in this article.

What Is a Facebook Store?

The facebook store is a facebook feature that lets facebook users sell directly on the facebook platform. it also lets other facebook users buy items and goods directly on facebook from people near them and beyond. This is a great platform for small businesses. It is a good starting point for every business. Existing stores and businesses can also make use of the facebook store to sell their products.
Benefits, Features and Advantages

This facebook feature has lots of features. I will be highlighting some of the features worth knowing of this feature below;
It is easy and free to set up
It is an easy to understand feature and platform.
Your goods get exposed on a global scale.
You and your goods get access to thousands of potential clients on the platform.

These are some of the features of this platform. If you want more on this platform you need to start making use of the facebook store feature today.

Things Needed To Set Up

The facebook store feature is available to all facebook users. Therefore if you do not have a facebook account you cannot get access to the facebook store feature. So therefore the first thing you need is a facebook account. To create a facebook account, go to up and follow the on screen instructions to successfully create your account.

You also need a facebook page. This is because the facebook store feature is integrated with the facebook page feature. To create a facebook page is easy. You can do it directly from your facebook page or you can either use this link; Those are the things you need to set up a facebook store
How to Set Up

Now that you already have the things needed in place follow the steps below;
Open your facebook page.
Click on the add section tab under the cover photo of your Facebook page.
On the next page click on the ‘add shop or store’ section.
Now follow the on screen instructions to successfully set up.

Make sure to follow the instructions carefully to set up your store. Once you are done click on finish.
Make a Facebook Store – Facebook Shop  Make a Facebook Store – Facebook Shop Reviewed by A.EJE on 17:42 Rating: 5

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