Magento Facebook Store Integration – Magento Marketplace

Do you want Magento facebook store integration? Well this easy, but you have to do something first. it is very easy. All you have to do is to follow me and all the instructions that will be laid out in this article so as to achieve this purpose. For those that already know what a Facebook store is and what Magento s, you will all have to bear with me as I will have to revisit those topics for the benefits of those persons who do not know about them. I am going to be starting with the facebook store.

What Is a Facebook Store?

A facebook store is a platform in facebook where you can sell your goods and products directly to Facebook users on the facebook platform. This is one of the numerous features of the facebook platform. It is also one of the most recent facebook features yet the most impressive one. It has been of good help to most of the persons making use of it. With this platform users cannot only sell. But other facebook users can go here to shop.

You can buy anything you want from the facebook stores. The only things you cannot sell or buy on this platform are items that go against the facebook community standards. To see items that go against facebook community standards go standards on your device.
What Is Magento Facebook Store?

Magento as we all know is an ecommerce platform where you can shop and also set up stores to sell your products. The platform is an embodiment of a whole lot more. To know more on the Magento ecommerce platform visit their official page online at

The Magento facebook store is a Magento store that is integrated with your facebook page. in other words this means that users can access your Magento store from the facebook platform. That is all the Magento facebook store is. So therefore the Magento facebook store integration is just the process of linking both stores.
How to Link or Integrate Your Magneto Store with Facebook

To link your Magento e-commerce store to Facebook follow the steps below;
Click on the link that says connect to facebook on the Magento admin panel.
You will be directed on ways to successfully connect your stores on the next page. And also on how to set up your facebook page.

When you are done your Magento store tab will be added to your facebook page and all your products with it.
Magento Facebook Store Integration – Magento Marketplace  Magento Facebook Store Integration – Magento Marketplace Reviewed by A.EJE on 17:41 Rating: 5

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