How to Make a Facebook Store – Facebook Shop

Do you want to know how to make a Facebook store? I bet you do. The Facebook feature of the Facebook platform is one of the best features of Facebook. Everyone is now making use of it. Your friends are now using it, your family too and even your competitors are now making use of the Facebook store feature. So tell me what are you waiting for?

The facebook store has been of tremendous help to many small businesses out there. It has been a revelation to so many. According to a review form a user, she said if she could describe this feature in one word, it would be magnificent. Wow, strong words, and trust me when I tell that every good thing you have heard concerning this feature is true. But you wouldn’t know completely for sure until you have made use of the feature yourself. So if you haven’t made use of the feature I urge you to do so today.
Benefits, Importance and Features

I know you might have been wondering why so many people make use of this fine facebook feature. Well there are some factors that make people use it. The Facebook store feature is a form of an online store. If you are a user of the internet you will know that there are tons of online store platforms out there. And the cost of setting and managing an online store is expensive. This sometimes makes the small business platforms to fold up leaving the big and wealthy platforms.

The facebook store feature has somewhat bridged that gap to a minimal. Not just the big and recognized companies and businesses can now have an online store. Everyone can now have an online store as long as you have products to sell. One of the stand-out features of the facebook store is that it is completely free to set up and manage unlike other online store platforms where you get to subscribe. With facebook it is different.

And since facebook is a social media platform your products and goods get recognition on a wide and global scale. Facebook does not charge you any form of percentage for any form of sales. The profits and whole proceedings are yours and yours alone. You also get to deal with your customers and clients more directly.
How to Make a Facebook Store

Now that you have known what this feature is, and have also known of the benefits, importance and features, it’s time to know how to make your own facebook online store and start selling your products. But before you can set up a facebook store you need to have a facebook age. This is because the sire feature is imbedded via the facebook page. If you do not have a facebook page you cannot have a facebook store. So if you do not have a facebook page create one before you start setting up one. To create a facebook page go to on your device and follow the on screen instructions to successfully create your facebook page.

After creating your facebook page follow the steps below to set up your facebook store;
Click on the add section tab directly under the cover photo of your facebook page.
You will be taken to another page click on the shop section on that page.
You will need to follow the on screen options from the next page on wards to create or make your facebook store.

When you are done with the whole process click on finish to successfully create your very own facebook online store.
How to Make a Facebook Store – Facebook Shop  How to Make a Facebook Store – Facebook Shop Reviewed by A.EJE on 17:45 Rating: 5

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