Create Your Facebook Account Today

Create Your Facebook Account Today: You've being hearing many of your friends blab about Facebook, saying things they saw on your favorite celebrity's page that you are missing out, connecting with your distant mutual friends which you can't reach or you don't even know their whereabouts. And you are becoming jealous of them, you want to be like them but you don't know how to get about it, this article is written to teach you how to create a Facebook account for yourself.

To create an account on Facebook, follow the steps below but make sure you have an email account because it will be required in the signing up procedures
  • Visit in a web browser
  • A Facebook login page is displayed, click on "signup"
  • Then you will be required to fill in your personal details which include your name, your email address or mobile number, password and your date of birth. Fill the details and click "create an account"
  • Now the account has being created but there are still something's to be done to setup the created account.
  • Though not compulsory, Facebook will suggest you add close friends to your account and you can also search for friends which are already Facebook users but you can choose to ignore this step by clicking "skip".
  • The next step requires you to fill in more personal details like school or work information. So you fill the boxes provided with the name of your high school, college/university and workplace. But you can also choose to skip it to be filled later, click on "skip"
  • The next step requires you to upload a profile picture, this picture will be attached to your account and it will be what your friend sees alongside your name whenever they search for you. Facebook gives you an option to pick a picture from your file manager or another option of taking a photo with camera. Whichever one you choose, the picture will be uploaded, then click "save and continue". You can also decide to skip this step to be uploaded later.
  • Finally, you will be required to verify the email account you dropped during registration, click on "verify now" and a mail will be sent to the email address, login to the email and view the mail, then click on "verify your account" or input the codes sent with the mail into the space provided on your Facebook page and its done, account verified.
  • Now that you are on Facebook, enjoying its features but you're still facing a problem of knowing the meaning of some basic terms used by Facebook, here are some terms and its meaning.

News feed: this is the page Facebook always log you into, it contains the activities of you and your friends, posts from the pages you are following. Discussions are also raise on this page where people known and unknown get to share their views and react to people's views.
Timeline: also called profile page, this page contains all your personal information and your activities, the pages you following, your pictures and the list of your friends.
Notification: on this page you receive updates on friends activities relating to you, like when a friend tag you on a post, your friend's birthday, a reaction to your post and so on. You can also receive notifications on your email if activated
React: when a friend post something, you can react to such post by clicking on like, dislike, angry, sad or love buttons depending on how you view the post. Note, the person who own the post will always see your reactions to his/her post.
Comment: after reading or viewing a post, you have an opportunity to write something about the post. By clicking on "comment" you can view other people's comments at the same time drop yours.
Tag: if your post is about certain people or you wish they see the post, you can tag them by adding their profile name to the post starting with "@". Your friends can also tag you in their post or comments.

I believe this article has helped you acquire your own Facebook account, you can now enjoy chatting and connecting friends both far and near.
Create Your Facebook Account Today  Create Your Facebook Account Today Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 13:02 Rating: 5

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