How To Download Video Clips From Facebook

How To Download Video Clips From Facebook: You just finished watching a very interesting video clips on your Facebook account and you wish to have this same video saved on your mobile device so you can access it anything you want without having to come online to Facebook.

Maybe you must have being thinking it is impossible because Facebook didn't add a download features for video clips or other download options requires a certain condition or charges before it can be downloaded. No, it is actually possible to download such video from Facebook without paying any charge. This article was written to teach Facebook users how to download their favorite video clips without stress.

Here are the procedures to follow;
  1. Right click on the video you wish to download and click on "copy image link"
  2. Then paste the link on a new tab and change "www" to "m" for example "" to "" then enter
  3. A mobile view of the video will then be displayed, play the video.
  4. While playing the video clips, right click and click on "download and save video as"
  5. Your browser's download page will be displayed next, where you can rename the video clip and choose where it should be saved.
  6. You can now watch and re-watch the video clips anytime you want since it’s already installed on your device. Share this article to help other Facebook users save videos. 
I hope this article was helpful?
How To Download Video Clips From Facebook How To Download Video Clips From Facebook Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 16:51 Rating: 5

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