How To Know Those Who Unfriended You On Facebook

How To Know Those Who Unfriended You On Facebook: Facebook is the fastest growing social media network all over the world where thousands of accounts are open on weekly basis, presently Facebook has over 1billion users actively using their Facebook account. Facebook administrators manages it so well that they keep on adding features demanded by users on their feedback to the site to make it user friendly but the features which they refuse to add is how to check who unfriends another.

To determine this, we have two major ways stated in this article, the first is by using browser add-on while the second is by using a third party application.

Using browser add-on
  • First add the extension add-on to your browser preferable chrome or Firefox
  • Allow the add-on to bring out the list of your friends on Facebook, this might take up to 2-4minutes
  • After this, then you are set to begin receiving notifications of those that unfriended you.
  • But to see those that recently did that, go to your profile and click on "lost friend", their list will be displayed.

Using 3rd party app
  • Visit Who.Delete.Me on any browser
  • Login to your Facebook account from this page
  • Then a list of those that removed you as their friend will be displayed.

I believe this brief information has helped you see those that removed you on Facebook, if so, share with good friends for them to see their disloyal friends.
How To Know Those Who Unfriended You On Facebook How To Know Those Who Unfriended You On Facebook Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 16:56 Rating: 5

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