Most Liked Instagram Photos

Most Liked Instagram Photos: If you follow Instagram Picture contest regularly, you will realize that a brand-new champ was crowned as the most-liked photo on Instagram in the social media platform. There are only six various individuals in the leading 10 most-liked Instagram photos’ list, this shows that it is very hard to get to the top of the Insta-game.

Most Liked Instagram Photos

Listed below are the leading 10 most-liked Instagram pictures from bottom-up at the time of writing this article

10. Cristiano Ronaldo -- 8.2 m likes

9. Justin Bieber -- 8.4 m likes

8. Selena Gomez-- 8.4 m likes

7. Khloe Kardashian-- 8.8 m likes

6. Beyoncé -- 10.3 m likes

5. Kylie Jenner -- 10.4 m likes

4. Selena Gomez -- 10.4 m likes

3. Beyonce -- 11.2 m likes

2. Cristiano Ronaldo -- 11.3 m likes

1. Kylie Jenner -- 15.8 m likes

You can follow this trend of Instagram highest likes on pictures contest to help you with pictures you can upload on Instagram and get recent Instagram Hashtags.
Most Liked Instagram Photos Most Liked Instagram Photos Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 10:40 Rating: 5

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