How to Get Rid of 'People You May Know' on Facebook with Adblock Plus

How to Get Rid of 'People You May Know' on Facebook with Adblock Plus: Facebook utilizes an HTML aspect called a DIV to recommend new friends in ‘People You May Know box. You can’t disable this preference on Facebook's site. However, you can alter your browser from showing the DIV aspect by utilizing Adblock Plus.

You can alter the DIV by utilizing a feature of Adblock Plus known as the Block element tool. Adblock Plus is one of the most popular third party extensions for both Google Chrome and Mozilla’s Firefox browser. On Mozilla’s Firefox further set up is needed to enable the Block element tool.
Note; Illustration is before explanation.
Set up for Google Chrome

Step 1: Open Facebook on Google Chrome, click the Adblock Plus icon and choose Block element.

Step 2: Move Mouse pointer over the top of ‘People You May Know’ box situated to the right of package title and click as soon as whole box is picked. The package should be highlighted in yellow when it is picked.

Step 3: Click the Include button to produce a brand-new Adblock Plus filter and allow it. ‘People You May Know’ box is concealed right away; you do not have to reboot the browser.

Set up for Mozilla’s Firefox

Step 1: Open the Element Hiding Helper tool for Adblock Plus on the Mozilla’s Add-Ons site and click the ‘Add to Firefox’ button. Click the ‘Install Now’ button to set up the extension. No reboot is needed.

Step 2: Click the Adblock Plus button and pick ‘Select an element to hide’ from the drop-down menu to utilize the Element Hiding Helper tool.

Step 3: Move Mouse pointer over ‘People You May Know’ box and click it when the whole box is surrounded by a red summary.

Step 4: Click the ‘Add element hiding rule’ button to conceal ‘People You May Know’ box instantly. You do not have to reboot the browser. The rule is used whenever you open Facebook on Firefox.
I hope this article was helpful?

How to Get Rid of 'People You May Know' on Facebook with Adblock Plus  How to Get Rid of 'People You May Know' on Facebook with Adblock Plus Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 11:09 Rating: 5

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