Steps to Save Instagram Photos to PC

Steps to Save Instagram Photos to PC: There are uncountable ways you could save Instagram photos to your Personal Computer, some of this methods are discussed in this article which are the best methods that can be asked for to save Instagram photos on your PC. Below are the ways you can save photos from Instagram on your PC

Use of Instaport
  • This is the fastest and easiest way to save photos from Instagram into your Personal computer, it involves visiting the Instaport site on computer. It will instantly save the desired photo to your PC and can also save a large number of photo in a zip format, so below is how you can use instaport; Visit the Instaport site via 
  • Then login using your Instagram login details
  • Now provide the link or number of the photo(s) you desire to save on your PC in the space provided and then click download botton.
  • Then you give it some time depending the size and number of photo you are saving and when it’s done, you can go to your download page and simply unzip it to access the Photos
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Use of Mobile Device
You can also save photos from your Instagram page using the mobile device, to do this follow the steps below;
  • Open your Instagram app into your account
  • Go to Option by clicking the three vertical dots
  • then scroll down and turn on the save original photo switch
  • Then as soon as that is done, your mobile device will create a folder that contains all your Instagram photos, you can simply back them up on your PC

Use of Facebook
By linking your Instagram and Facebook account, you can save photos on Instagram, this is how it can be aechieved;
  • First link your Instagram account with your Facebook account via your mobile device
  • Then on your Facebook account, go to your Profile > photos > Albums > Instagram Photos
  • Then from here, simply pick one picture at a time and save it on your PC using the option “Save image as…” when you right click on the enlarged photo
I hope you’ve being able to save your Instagram photos on your personal computer, you can share this with your friends and family so they also can save their Instagram photo on their PC

Steps to Save Instagram Photos to PC Steps to Save Instagram Photos to PC Reviewed by Menaro Menaro on 18:24 Rating: 5

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